Welcome to ScriptBees India Pvt Ltd. This handbook is designed to provide you with general information that summarize the company guidelines, employment practices & benefits to which you may be entitled to, except where a written employment agreement outlines different terms and conditions. The policies and procedures in the handbook apply to all individuals employed by ScriptBees. All the information described here are for general information only, which may be reviewed and modified as the need arises.
We follow the principles of equal opportunities and we recruit, interview, hire, classify, select for training, promotion, demotion, discipline, transfer, rates of pay or other compensation, termination, and recall on the basis of merit and qualification in compliance with local state laws and irrespective of religion, sex, age, physical disability, caste, nationality, or race.
We have built a strong work force and we provide equal employment opportunities to the employees of ScriptBees. All the Employee should follow the company polices, rules and the procedures, and any violation would be subjected to the below action metric:
Verbal warning to the employee.
– Immediate Supervisor
Written warning with email copy placed in the employee personal record.
– HR / Divisional Head
Disciplinary action initiated with show cause notice.
– HR
Disciplinary action in view of gross insubordinate and total disregard for the official protocol.
– HR/ Head of the Department
Freeze on Promotion/Increment/Internal transfer/or any other move. Terminate the services.
– HR / Director
ScriptBees will take the necessary steps to ensure your health and welfare of you at work. The company would provide and maintain premises, working environment, systems of work, which do not pose risk to your health and welfare.
First Aid Employee can contact the HR / Admin Team for the first aid kit and Medicine.
Emergency Resource Team (ERT) Employees are requested not to get panic in the office during emergency situations. Please follow our ScriptBees ERT member’s instructions or the guide chart to handle the situations.
Consumption or Possession of or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on company property, in the office or inside the office premises is strictly prohibited. Violation of this policy may lead to immediate termination of employment.
A fundamental policy of our company is that the work place is meant for work. Our goal is to provide a work place free from tensions, which are not related to the company’s business. Harassment of employees on fellow Employees is prohibited. Sexual harassment of employees is strictly prohibited and we strongly condemn of such conduct.
For any sort of Harassment and Discrimination or violation of company policies, the first contact point of the Employees is your Immediate Manager. If your Manager is involved in the harassment, you may contact the HRD. All the issues will be treated confidentially and charges of harassment will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.
Policy Generation and Changes
Policies and procedures are updated and reviewed on a regular basis and the Management reserves the right to change or modify any of these policies with or without notice at any point of time. All employees will be called for suggesting changes or additions to these policies and procedures, and such suggestions should be channeled to HR through divisional head. The Management would review all the suggestions and take the final decision.
Basic Information
In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context:
- ‘Company’ means ScriptBees India Private Limited.
- ‘Management’ means Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Director or any other official of the company for the observance or execution of the rules.
- ‘Employee’ means all those who are appointed on the rolls of company.
- ‘Work Premises’ includes the precincts of the Company and other places of work where an Employee is deputed or posted to work.
- ‘Salary’ means all the components included in the pay slip.
- ‘Biometric access’ means that give the employee in and out timings by giving finger print of the employee.
- Words that are noted in masculine gender shall include feminine gender and vice-versa.
- Words that are noted in singular number shall include plural (where ever applicable) and vice-versa.
Applicability All the clauses outlined in this Hand Book will be applied to all the employees including those on probation and those on contract positions (respective to ScriptBees payroll).
Human Resources Department
Our Human Resource Department (HRD) is responsible for personnel Administration, Training, Manpower planning and Recruiting. HRD is also responsible for framing and modifying policies, procedures and rules related to employees in consultation with the management. Employee Handbook and all forms are available with HRD. All queries regarding your employment and Employee Handbook should be addresses to HRD.
Following Central/State laws, it is necessary to maintain detailed and updated information on each candidate for employment and those who are hired. Employees have to intimate HRD about changes in Name, Address, and Telephone number, Marital status, Number of dependents, any important health information, emergency telephone numbers and whom to notify in case of emergency, change of beneficiary, authorized payroll deductions, additional education and special training courses.
Personal Record
HRD maintains the personal records of each employee. It begins with the Interview assessment form, and includes the following: Joining report, Personal data form, Terms of employment, Resume, Appointment letter, Educational certificates, Proofs of previous employment and experience letter, Performance review reports(if applicable), Salary history, Department change letter, Hike letter, Promotion letter and other relevant documents. Personal records will be updated time to time.
All employees shall promptly update all pertinent personal information and changes in HRD. These records are the property of company, and will be treated as any other confidential company information. Personnel records are available for review only to HRD/Management and the employee in the presence of HR Manager. Violation of this policy is considered a very serious offence.
Employee Business Expense Policy
Policy brief & purpose
Our Employee Expense policy is the outline on how we will reimburse the employees for work-related expenses. This policy will define “work-related expenses” and all the employees applicable should follow the same.
This policy applies to all our employees working for ScriptBees, for which expenses for work-related travel activities involved.
Policy elements
Employee expenses fall under two categories:
- Expenses that are paid directly by our company on behalf of employees.
- Expenses that are paid by our employees and are reimbursable.
We will reimburse all reasonable business expenses, after they are approved, in part or in full as the case may be.
Travel Expenses
Travel expenses include any kind of transportation as mentioned by the category and accommodation expenses that you incur when going on a business trip. Expenses related to this category that may be fully or partly reimbursable include:
- Accommodation
- Legal document expenses (e.g. Visa)
- Air/train/Bus fares
- Local transportation during trips (taxi fares, rental cars etc.)
- Other minor or per diem expenses that have been approved by an employee’s manager (e.g.)
Minimizing expenses:
We want to avoid overspending or unnecessary costs. We may contact with hotels and agencies to get the best possible prices. We will also aim for the cheapest option when we can. For example, we prefer booking Flight tickets in economy class, Travel tickets in 3rd AC or Sleeper class and Bus tickets in Sleeper and Pushback class.
SNo | Function | Category | Applicable for | Cost |
1 | Travel (Pan India) | Bus/Train | Consultants/Managers | 900 – 1500 |
2 | Travel (Pan India) | Flight | CEO/COO/Director | 2000 – 5000 |
3 | Accommodation | Single/Double | Consultants/Managers | 900 |
4 | Accommodation | Single/Double | CEO/COO/Director | 1200 -1700 |
5 | Food | Lunch/Dinner | Consultants/Managers | 300 per day |
6 | Food | Lunch/Dinner | CEO/COO/Director | 500 per day |
7 | Internal Travel | Within the city | Consultants/Managers | 500 per day |
The reimburse would be done as per the company policy, any expenses incurred more than the capped cost the employee must cover the extra cost by himself.
Non-reimbursable expenses
We won’t reimburse the following:
- Expenses incurred by spouses or other non-employees who accompany our employees on their travels
- Any Un-authorized service upgrade
- Personal services (massages, beauty treatments etc.)
- Personal purchases (gifts, clothes etc.)
- Lost personal property (e.g. luggage)
What are work-related expenses?
This category includes expenses that are related to an employee either in the form of a benefit (e.g. business phone) or entertainment expenses that may occur in a business setting (e.g. professional dinners with clients)
These expenses may be capped and HR/ employee’s manager should approve them. If you spend more than the approved amount, you must cover the extra cost yourself.
We won’t reimburse the following work expenses:
- Unauthorized or unscheduled business meetings with clients, partners or job candidates.
- Fines incurred while driving a company vehicle
- Non-business subscriptions/ training.
- Any official trip extending with Personal trips.
Procedure for the employee travel Claim process
- When the employees have a plan to go on work-related trips, HRD team will typically arrange for most of your accommodation and transportation costs and document the expenses.
- All the needs will be Documented and any expenses that our company hasn’t directly arranged for (e.g. taxi fares, food etc.) Please ask for bills and receipts whenever you can. You might also receive a per diem sum to cover other necessary travel expenses.
- Submit your reimbursement claim through Human Resources Information Software (HRIS – Intervals) or submit an expense report with all necessary documentation in an HRD provided excel format. Please submit your claim/report within a month after your trip.
- Your manager or HR are responsible for approving reimbursement claims. If your manager approves your expenses, you will receive your reimbursement within two pay periods.
- When you incur work-related expenses, you should:
- Ask for your CEO/COO/Manager’s approval.
- Submit a reimbursement claim. Please submit receipts and bills for business dinners and transportation within one month.
- We’ll investigate any excessive expenses. In cases of consistent falsified or exaggerated claims, we may take disciplinary action.
- Every employee shall be given a letter of appointment in the prescribed form stating briefly the terms and conditions of appointment.
- No Employee shall engage himself in any vocation outside his employment without the prior consent of the management.
- The probation would be for 3 months for experienced Candidate and 6 Months for Freshers.
- During the probation period Employee needs to prove their credentials by consistent performance.
- During the period of probation/training, you may be required to undergo periodic tests or assessments conducted by the Company. Your confirmation of employment is subject to your satisfactory clearance of any test/certification/assessment to be conducted by the Company.
- At the end of the probation/training period, based on the report of satisfactory performance from your manager, you shall be issued written confirmation of your full time employment with the Company.
- In case of Employee’s performance not compelling and strong enough for the management or his/her attitude towards the work not found to be satisfactory he/she would be liable for termination.
- For any internal transfer of the Employee the company will also require the Employees on rolls to undergo a panel interview with the respective panelist of ScriptBees.
- Employee would be liable for probation period in case of internal transfer.
Work Force Reduction
- If the reduction in the Employee work force has become necessary, Company would retain the employees considering their Quality of work performance, need for the job, and length of the service of each employee.
- Employees would be given a sufficient notice before the ramp down starts.
- The Employee would be paid in full, any kind of arrears or full and final settlements. All the other condition of separation would be applicable.
- An Employee on probation can be terminated from the service by giving 15 days’ notice or salary in lieu of notice in case his performance and/or his/her attitude towards the work being found to be not satisfactory. However, for misconduct, gross negligence, misbehavior or non-performance, ScriptBees may terminate your services with immediate effect.
- A permanent Employee can be terminated from the service by giving 4 weeks of notice or salary in lieu of notice in case his performance and/or his/her attitude towards the work being found to be not satisfactory. However, for misconduct, gross negligence, misbehavior or non-performance, ScriptBees may terminate your services with immediate effect.
- A permanent Employee can be terminated from service without notice or salary in lieu of notice, in case he found to have indulged in any act or omission amounting to fraud, dishonesty, misrepresentations, misappropriations of funds, thefts or other unethical Employees or conducted himself in a manner inappropriate to his position in the Company and which is detrimental to the interest of the company without prejudice to any of its other rights including the right to pursue civil and criminal proceedings.
- An Employee who is desirous of leaving the service shall do so only by giving 90 day’s (Three month’s) notice in writing. In the case the Employees working on critical projects/positions/assignments, the Management reserves its right to relieve the Employee on the completion of the said project/assignments/position to with he is attached to or on providing a suitable replacement or on completion of three months whichever is earlier. The Management also has the right to waive or reduce the notice period and/or recover of minimum two months of salary in lieu of notice.
Background Verification(BGV)
In the event that an employee is found to have been involved in any illegal activity, taken money from other employees without repayment, committed any form of misconduct, or faced any complaints related to female harassment or any other serious issue during their employment period, the Background Verification (BGV) process will not be supported. If the BGV request is processed, the reasons for non-support will be communicated clearly to the new employer via the official HR email.
Hours of Work
- The Company observes five days’ work week.
- The hours of work shall be from 9:00 am to 6:00pm.
- The lunch recess shall be 30 minutes and it can be availed between 1pm to 2pm.
- The total work hours per day shall be 9 hours.
- An Employee is expected to complete a normal workday/week work and reasonable additional hours to meet the job requirements. Your manager will decide any specific working hours.
Note: Employees are suggested to be available in business hours i.e. 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM whether you are in the office or working remotely.
Submission of TimeSheets
- All the Employees are required to submit their timesheets on a weekly or daily basis as per the guideline specified by the reporting head.
- The report should be submitted as per the specified format through mail to Reporting head and to HR.
- Day to day record shall be maintained irrespective of the projects allocated.
Identity Cards
- Every Employee including the Temporary and Contract Employees shall be provided with an Identity card bearing the particulars of the employee or as may be prescribed by the Management which the Employee must wear all the time, when he/she is within the premises of the Company.
- The Identity card shall be authenticated by the signature of the Issuing Authority.
- Loss of Identity card should be immediately reported to the HR through mail or written format, and the new Identity card shall be issued to the Employee on prescribing some fee amount by the Management.
- On leaving of the company or during the separation time the employee has to submit the respective Identity card to the HR, failing which action as deemed necessary including adjusting the cost against the amounts payable to him/her will be made.
Biometric Access And Company Laptop
- Every Employee including the Temporary and Contract Employees shall be provided with an Access Card bearing the code of the employee which the Employee must use to give punch all the time whenever he/she walk’s In and Out within the premises of the Company.
- Every Employee must follow the In and Out record as the calculation of the attendance is done on the same.
- Every Employee including the Temporary and Contract Employees shall be provided with a Laptop including the Charger, Mouse and the Bag or a Desktop at the time of joining.
- Loss of laptop or its belongings it should be immediately reported to the HR through mail or written format, and the Laptop or its belongings shall be issued to the Employee on prescribing some fee amount by the Management. As the Employee would be whole and soul responsible once it is allocated against his Employee ID number.
- On leaving of the company or during the separation time the employee has to submit the respective allocated Laptop, Charger, Mouse, Bag and the Access card to the HR, failing which action as deemed necessary including adjusting the cost against the amounts payable to him/her will be made.
- The service number or the code of the laptop, Charger, Mouse, Bag and the Access card should match with our records (which we would make an entry at the time of Induction).
Dress Code
ScriptBees always maintains the Professional image among its customers. We enjoy an excellent reputation among our customers. It is important that the customers have confidence in the Employees and Employees have confidence and pride in them. Employees must dress appropriately at their work location.
- While from Monday to Thursday, the Employees have to be dressed in formals, on Fridays Employees come in casuals.
- Formal Dress for Men: Full or half sleeved buttoned shirt (tucked in), formal trousers, leather shoes and leather belt (black or brown with plain buckle) to match the attire.
- Shirt and trouser should be well ironed and the shoes neat and polish.
- Employee are requested to avoid T-Shirts, Casuals shirts, Ethnic wear, Sports shoe, Slippers and Sandals on week days.
- Formal Dress for women: Kurthi’s, Churidar and Salwar kameez with Duppatta or Saree with a sleeved blouse or western formals with sleeved shirts and trousers, with formal footwear to match the attire.
- Women Employees to avoid wearing T-Shirts, Western casuals Hawaii slippers on week days.
- A day before the weekend all the Employees can wear a causal outfit that looks decent. Ethnic wear, flashy/torn jeans, tight outfits, Hawaii slippers and short outfits are strictly avoided.
- Adequate parking space is provided for the vehicles. Employees should strictly park their vehicles only in those areas reserved for us. Co-operation is expected from all the Employees for no blocking any gate, driveway or the parking areas reserved for others.
- ScriptBees is an environmental friendly organisation. We are responsible to provide smoke free work place and we encourage the Employees not to smoke within the office premises, in the stairways and in the elevator lobby.
- The Company observed annual Appraisal System; once in a year would be the Increment period and variable pay at the end of every three months, based on the performance.
- The employee yearly hike percentage would be based on the revenue generate to the company on that particular financial year along with the performance individual hike percentage may vary from one financial year to other.
Personal Belongings
- Employees are welcome to personalize their work area for more pleasantness. They can display their personal mementoes or photos in their work area. Objects inappropriate to the work area are not permitted, Management decision in this regard would be final and the articles have to be removed upon request. Company is not liable for any of your items lost, mobiles, purse etc.
Care of Office Belongings and Facilities
- The provides all the necessary items includes Laptop, Dongle, Access card, Identity card, Sim card etc. as per the requirement that are necessary for the job assignments. Employees are reminded that all these items remain the property of the Company and represent a very valuable asset of the company.
- Employees are responsible for these assets and a policy the Company will hold the Employees responsible for the tools and items stolen or damaged due to their negligence.
- Employees are expected to show proper care and accountability in using the Company’s assets and the other facilities.
- Employees are expected to follow the house keeping ethics and use them in a proper manner.
Break Areas
- Break areas are for the convenience of the employees. Employees are encouraged to use these for your break and lunch time. You are expected to keep these areas clean and neat. Consumption of food is permitted in these areas only.
- We also have Recreation room to spend some fun time with your co employees/Team.
Energy Presevation and Waste Prevention
- Waste of energy, supplies and water is costly to the company and results in losses. You are requested to conserve these at every opportunity.
- In case of stationary also you are expected to prevent unnecessary wastes by proper planning.
- All the doors, files, desks and any other office belongings must be locked securely when not in direct use. Loss of keys must be reported immediately to HRD. Also, any concerned about the security should be reported to HRD.
- Need to use the access card individually and the tailgating will not be entertained. Need to send a mail to HR if working on a non- working day to avail com-off also the calculation of the working hours.
Telephone Usage
- Contacting people is very important in our business. Knowing Telephone formalities are priorities for the Employees as they are Company’s Voice. Answer all telephones promptly and properly.
- Talk clearly and take complete message for your colleagues, when your colleague is not at his/her desk or when a wrong call comes to you.
- Don’t leave a person on hold for more than few seconds.
- We recognize that there are some occasions or need that you have receive your personal call, if in such case Employees are requested to receive the call at break areas or the areas where there would be no disturbance to your colleagues.
- Violation of this policy will lead to disciplinary actions.
Internet code of Conduct
- Access to the Internet has been provided to the Employees for the benefit of the Company and its Clients.
- Employees are responsible for seeking that the internet is used in an effective, ethical and lawful manner.
- Internet relay chat channels may be used to conduct the Company’s business or to gain the technical or analytical advice only.
- Use of Internet should not disturb the operations of the Company network or the networks of the other users. It must interfere with your productivity.
- Employees shall not use the Internet to share or transmit the Companies information or property or any copyright materials
- Employees shall no download any kind of software, files, etc. to their allocated laptops other than client needs.
- Violation of any above listed guidelines may rest in disciplinary action up to including termination of employment.
Salary date will be 5th of every month.
- The Company observes five days’ work week (Monday to Friday)
- In addition to the above leaves, Twelve National and Festival holidays and two optional or Flexi holidays, which are notified in the beginning of the year as HOLIDAY CALENDAR.
Holiday Calendar
SNo | Public Holiday | Date | Day |
1 | Makara Sankranti | January 13th, 14th, 15th 2025 | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday |
2 | Mahashivaratri | Febuary 26th 2025 | Wednesday |
3 | Ramzan | March 31st 2025 | Monday |
4 | Good Friday | April 18th 2025 | Friday |
5 | Telangana Formation Day | June 02nd 2025 | Monday |
6 | Independence Day | August 15th 2025 | Friday |
7 | Vinayaka Chaturthi | August 27th 2025 | Wednesday |
8 | Gandhi Jayanthi/Dussehra | October 2nd 2025 | Thursday |
9 | Deepavali | October 20th 2025 | Monday |
10 | Christmas | December 25th 2025 | Thursday |
USA Client Holiday Calendar
SNo | Public Holiday | Date | Day |
1 | Martin Luther King Jr. Day/(Inauguration day in 2025 ) | January 20th 2025 | Monday |
2 | Washinton’s Birthday | Febuary 17th 2025 | Monday |
3 | Independence Day | July 04th 2025 | Friday |
4 | Labour day | September 1st 2025 | Monday |
5 | Columbus Day | October 13th 2025 | Monday |
6 | Thanksgiving Day | November 27th 2025 | Thursday |
7 | Christmas Day | December 25th 2025 | Thursday |
- All kinds of leaves are calculated as per the financial year i.e. April to March and the credit is given accordingly.
- Leave policy applies to all the Employees permanent and contract Employees of ScriptBees, whose probation period is completed.
- No leave can be claimed as a matter of human right.
- You shall inform to your reporting manager through mail at least 7 days in advance at the time of vacation period exceeding 4 or more working days.
- In case of extension of leave, information to the concerned Manager has to be sent through mail with a copy to HR Department and the extension of these leaves would be treated as on Loss of pay, as it is treated as un-authorized leaves.
Types of Leaves
Casual Leaves
- All FTEs (Full Time Employees) will be entitled to 6 working days of casual leave.
- Casual leave can be taken with approval from their respective Reporting Managers/Department Heads.
- Notice of casual leave application must reach HR department prior to 1 day in advance, and the employee should get it approved before commencing on leave.
- CLs may be claimed for a Minimum period of Half day and maximum 2 CLs in a month, subject to leave balance in the account
- Unused Leave Balance will not be carried forward to the next year.
Sick Leaves
- All FTEs (Full Time Employees) will be entitled to 6 working days of Sick leave.
- If the employee is unable to attend his/ her duties for two continuous days or longer, he/she will be required to produce a registered Medical Practitioner’s leave & fitness certificates on his/her return to duties.
- SLs may be claimed for a Minimum period of Half day and maximum shall be subject to leave balance in the account.
- Sick Leaves are not encashable.
- Unused Leave Balance will not be carried forward to the next year.
Privilege Leaves
- All FTEs shall be entitled to 15 PLs per FY, on pro-rata basis.
- No Earned leave can be granted in units of half day, Minimum of One day and maximum shall be subject to leave balance in the account.
- Prior approval must be obtained at least 15 working days in advance for all PLs
- Intermediate paid holidays and weekly Offs shall not be considered while calculating PLs
- A maximum of 4 PLs per year can be carried forward to the next FY, wherein the maximum being 30 PLs Unused PLs will be lapsed.
Encashment of the PLs
- All FTEs are eligible after successful completion of Probation period.
- PLs can be encashed, only at the time of separation.
- A maximum of 30 PLs can be encashed at the time of Separation. This is fully taxable.
- Encashment shall be calculated on basic salary held by the employee at the time of separation.
- The encashed amount shall be paid along with the full & final settlements.
Maternity Leaves
- All female FTEs shall be entitled to MLs upto a maximum of 12 weeks. However, Maternity Benefit is payable to an Insured Woman in the following cases subject to contributory period conditions Total of 84 days – 42 days for pre-and 42 days for post-delivery.
- Wages for leave period to be paid by ESI.
- Need to submit the required documents to HR Team to avail the Maternity benefits.
Other Employees (not covered under ESIC)
- All female FTEs shall be entitled to MLs up to maximum of 12 weeks. However, the employee has to satisfy the following conditions to be eligible for the leave.
- The female employee must have worked for not less than 80 working days in the 12 months immediately preceding the commencement date of her MLs.
- Prior approval must be obtained at least 30 days in advance for all MLs.
- Leave application should be submitted along with the medical reports certified by a registered practitioner to HR team.
- At the time of resuming duties, the employee must submit the fitness certificate of self and child to HR.
- Maternity leave is restricted to two lives births, if employee already have 2 children at the time of joining are not entitled for MLs.
Paternity Leave
- All male employees are eligible for 2 days’ leave.
Compensatory – Off
- In case an employee is required to work on Sundays or any public holidays, they are eligible for a compensatory – Off An employee will be eligible for compensatory leave only if he/she had worked 8 hours on holiday.
- Compensatory leave will be provided at the discretion of the respective Department Heads.
- Employee is required to get confirmation from the respective heads and submit it to HR the day before working
- The compensatory leave must be taken within 4 weeks (30 days) from the day, failing which they will be deemed as lapsed.
How Can You Avail Compensatory Offs?
Following are the general steps followed by any organization in order to avail compensatory offs:
Upon working overtime, and when in the need of leave, an employee needs to apply for a compensatory off specifying the time period for which he/she will stay unavailable to the organization.
The manager reviews the compensatory-off request by matching it with the overtime or Holidays worked information available in the database or shift schedule and also will check on if any other peer as applied for Comp off as he can approve only one at a time.
- Matching the overtime and offs
If the overtime period matches the requested time period off then the compensatory off is granted to the employee.
- Granting the compensatory off
If the leave request exceeds the time sanctioned for overtime or Holidays worked, then leave is granted only in compensation for the overtime or Holidays worked. For the rest of the requested leave time period, the employee is directed to search for other alternatives. No leaves can be combined with compensatory offs.
Kind Note – All the above policies and procedures are limited to the employees working for full-time with ScriptBees.
Work from home
- As on the time the work from home is not applicable to the employees.
- On emergency considerations with the prior approval of reporting division head it would be approved, working from home should not be used as a substitute for dependent care or sick leave. Staff members who are granted the opportunity to work from home will be expected to deliver agreed outcomes. The agreed working from home hours should be devoted to work and the arrangement should enable the staff member to work as efficiently and effectively as an equivalent staff member in the office.
Leave approval process
Process to be followed on mandatory to get the employee leave approved without LOP (Loss of pay).
Process of Approval
- Leave has to be applied through Employee HRMS filled by the Employee itself.
- The leave application will be sent to the employee’s reporting manager and a copy to the HR.
- Reporting manger may or may not approve the leave, depending upon the work situation. If approved, a approval mail would be sent to the Employee automatically the copy would be sent to the HR.
- Employees leave eligibility would be displayed at the top of HRMS. Employee approval mail would be sent to employee mail or HRMS.
Leaves for the Financial year Month and their eligibility
- Total eligible leaves in a year 27 days.
SNo | Leave Type | Eligible Days | Validity |
1 | Casual Leave | 6 Days | 1 Year |
2 | Sick Leaves | 6 Days | 1 Year |
3 | Planned leaves | 15 days | 1 Year ; Will be Carry Forward |
4 | Maternity Leaves | 180 Days | For Two live Births only |
5 | Paternity Leaves | 5 days | For Two live Births only |
How many leaves are eligible in a month and how many days before an approval to be taken?
SNo | Leave Type | Approval Before | Leaves Eligible in a Month |
1 | Casual Leave | 1 DAY | 0.5 Days |
2 | Sick Leaves | Same day through mail or call | 0.5 Days |
3 | Planned leaves | 1 Week before | 2 -7 days only, including Sundays and Public holidays. |
4 | Maternity Leaves | 1 Month Before | 90 Days |
5 | Paternity Leaves | 1 Week before or Immediate Effect | 5 days |
Note: If you apply for the holiday on Friday and continuing your leave with Monday, the Saturday and Sunday which falls in between are considered to be leaves. Also, if taken a leave before or after the public holidays would be considered as LOP.
If you apply leave on Friday not on Monday then no such above is considered the same.
Through the modest beginnings, a year back ScriptBees has grown in size with the remarkable contributions of dedicated team. To ensure we bring in new team members who can get well with our lively culture and delivery excellence, we would like to introduce the Talent Referral Program, through which YOU can be part of selection of the game changers of ScriptBees.
Let’s together choose who to rub shoulders with from the best in the market. Organisation and its success depends on great talent with the right attitude. Every employee of ScriptBees can take pride in referring the right talent for the positions advertised by ScriptBees.
All position for which talent needs to be identified shall be posted by ScriptBees on the website (also on our notice board).
Any employee working in the ScriptBees may refer a candidate of right talent and attitude from their personal or professional network, who can be the right fit for the role.
The employee, who is referring the talent, is requested to send the Resume to HR dept. along with a reference letter which is appended below.
The referred candidate shall be evaluated alongside the received profiles through the public/ partner forum and invited for interviews if qualified.
The employee must refrain from canvassing or intervening in any form during the selection process.
In case of the positions reporting to the employee the employee must ensure to declare the same and the refrain from being a part of selection process further if the employee is part of the selection committee, the conflict of interest must be declared in advance to the HR.
As a token of appreciation for on boarding the right talent into ScriptBees the employee will be rewarded as follows effective 1st May 2017 for all positions advertised (provided that the referred employee should stay with us for a period of 12 months) :
- Entry Level recruitments – Rs.500 gift coupon
- Junior/Mid- Level (1-6 yrs) – Rs.1000 gift coupon
- Senior Level (6+ yrs) – Rs. 2000 gift coupon
We sincerely hope that all the staff will view our initiative in the right sprit and work towards building a strong team for our organizational growth. The management shall based upon the uptake of the program, take stock and revisit the talent referral program and its incentive from time to time.
“Together lets create the winning team”
ScriptBees IT Pvt Ltd is an agile product development company that converts customers ideas into working products and supports them through the entire product life cycle. ScriptBees has completed 6+ years of successful growth.The current team size is over 180+ professionals and growing rapidly. We implement key engagements for US multinational companies, besides critical projects for the government sector in India. This combination of a software product, US projects, and India projects gives ScriptBees a very balanced portfolio, derisking us from fluctuating business cycles across opportunities segments.
Name of the Company | ScriptBees IT Pvt Ltd |
Trade Name | ScriptBees IT Pvt Ltd |
Postal address | Pl No’s – 102/11,103/10 & 104/9,3rd floor,Survey no.78, Patrikanagar,Madhapur-500081 |
Phone number | 040-23745777 |
Website address | https://scriptbees.com |
Email address | support@scriptbees.com |
Directors | Venkat Dulipalli |